Farm Meat and Meat Sales
Amana Society
The Amana Meatshop and Smokehouse today has the same service-style meat counter that was common in stores 50 years ago. Doing it this way has allowed us to not only continue giving our customers the individual attention they deserve, but provides us with the means to give our customers their exact cut and quantity.
Taylor's Maid Rites
are made plain and then frozen. We pack pickles and onions in separate bags. The Maid-Rites are then packed in a reusable cooler with re-freezable Gel-Packs and are shipped 2nd Day Air by U.P.S. When the Maid-Rites arrive they can be refrozen-or thawed, micro-waved, then eaten. We ship Maid-Rites in quantities of 1, 2, or 3 dozen